I'm the kind of girl who... | Kylea & Company: I'm the kind of girl who...
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I'm the kind of girl who...

*loves to make others laugh. 

*despises the feeling of helplessness. 

*would take a bullet for my friends and family, despite our differences or arguments. 

*would rather stay in and read, than go out. 

*swears like a sailor. I mean it gets pretty bad sometimes. 

*can remember how to get somewhere after only being there once. 

*believes that iced tea and coffee can fix any problem. 

*believes in dipping my fries in my frosty from Wendy's. 

*can watch black and white movies all day. 

*would order food and go out to eat, before I would consider cooking. 

*believes liquor is a wonderful ingredient for baking. 

*is shy at first, but once I know you I don't shut up. 

*can do a Netflix binger with no problem, and finish at least two seasons of a show in one weekend easily. 

*watches sports, but cannot for the life of me play them. 

*has an obsession with buying binders and notebooks, but I rarely use them. 

*hates talking on the phone because I fear awkward silence. 

*will eat ice cream out of the carton to keep from dirtying a bowl. 

*gets frozen Margaritas to dip my tortilla chips in. 

*has no fear of chopping off my hair on a whim. 

*believes that giving back is the most important thing a person can do. 

What kind of girl are you? 

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  1. I think I could use your post for myself...so many I can relate to: rather stay in, shy at first, total Netflix binger, will do ANYthing to avoid making dirty dishes...I hate washing them.

    1. Thanks! Dishes are possibly the worst task in the world, aside from folding laundry!

  2. I hate feeling helpless but also hate asking for help!
