The 5 Downfalls of Being a Morning Person. | Kylea & Company: The 5 Downfalls of Being a Morning Person.
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Saturday, December 13, 2014

The 5 Downfalls of Being a Morning Person.

Let's face it, not everyone is a morning person. In fact, I have very few friends that are natural morning people. They would rather sleep in and stay up late, versus wake up early and start the day at the ass crack of dawn.

Ghillie and Lucy are not morning people. 

I on the other hand, am a complete morning person! That is my favorite time of the day! It is when I feel I am most productive and well coffee is always around to help me.  On a normal morning I wake up between 4:30am and 5am, willingly. On weekends, unless I am sick I am up at 6am or 7am. This is normal to me, and I'm happy. 

But here are five downfalls of being a morning person.

1.) Time Differences. 
It literally is a pain to schedule things with friends because my version of morning is different than theirs. So when I say "Hey let's go to Ikea in the morning!” I naturally am thinking 8-9am, whereas my friends and family think 11am-12pm or later. Definitions for afternoon and evening are different too. So by time they're ready to go out, I am ready to pass out. 

2.) No texting in the a.m. 
Want to talk to your BFF? Well I have to think differently because while I am up at 7am on Saturday, texting them that early would result in my untimely death. So there you are staring at a clock waiting for an appropriate time for communication. 

3.) Always being questioned. 
I always get "but why??" when I say that I wake up at 4:30 in the morning. Because I like it that's why! 

4.) Naps. 
Now naps are a curse and a blessing at the same time. I am a huge advocate for nap taking, it's in my blood. But when you wake up really early the timing to take a nap happens earlier, and surprisingly taking a nap is frowned upon in the average American work place. Crazy I know, but true.

5.) Old Person Bed Time. 
You want me to leave my house past 8:30pm? Well someone better be dying because that is way too close to my bed time. Now I will stay up but only if I am out of my house by 8:30p, but 12 am comes around and I am ready to go home or I am useless the next day. Why? Well because my body is auto programmed to wake up by 7am at the latest. So I get made fun of because I go home early and go to bed, but hey I don't waste half of the next day away sleeping. I win. 

So there you go! I love being a morning person, but there are just times when it really sucks. In the end you just drink some coffee and continue your plans for world domination cupcakes, because sleep is for the weak. Plus while all of your loser friends are sleeping away, you have had 2 cups of coffee, done 2 loads of laundry, and did the dishes; getting the dirty work of the weekend done. 

Are you a morning person or a night owl?  

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1 comment:

  1. Haha this is so me! I feel so much more productive waking up early.
