H is for: hello | Kylea & Company: H is for: hello
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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

H is for: hello

Dear god it is only Wednesday??!! Who else thinks that we need to be at at least Thursday?

Well todayI didn't really know what to write about. I went through a list of H's that I could go over and could not narrow it down. 

I had H is for Hangovers. But then I realized that I am the worst person to give hangover advice. 3/4 of the time, when I do get that intoxicated, I am useless for three days. And by useless I mean that I sleep on the floor of my bathroom for one day, I only eat bread the next day, and by the third day I can muster up enough strength to go outside. 

Then I had H is for Helping Hand: But that seamed too broad. What I can say about this now is practice random acts of kindness. Be the person that changes someones life by being kind. You can always help. 

There was H is for Hair: I cannot style my hair because it is stick straight and takes me 3 hours to curl my hair for it to last 15 minutes. Plus I would want to get my hair cut, which I cannot do yet. So that topic was a no go. 

Or we had H is for Heroes. Meaning Heroes in life, Super heroes, and idolizing heroes. But I feel like that needs to be a well thought out post. Not one that is written the day it needs to be out.... 

I thought of H is for H named Drinks. But honestly I could not think of any. So no drinks for today kids. 

A big topic would have been H is for Honesty: But if we are being frank, I can be a big fat liar sometimes so a blog post about honesty is hypocritical. 

So today the topic is just H is for Hello. 

Say hello to a fellow blogger, the shy person in your office, and that Grumpy Gus or Negative Nancy. You never know, a simple hello could brighten their day. 

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  1. Hiiiii! I think unexpected 'hellos' from unexpected people are the best and really can make a difference for somebody's day.

  2. Hi. I, too have had hangovers, but shhhhhh.I love what you're doing on the blog for the challenge.
    Hi, this is Pam and I'm a challenge co host. I want to help make your challenge experience better.I wish you all the best as you blog through the challenge. I'd like to encourage you to use the participant badge listed here:http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/ It will help identify you as a blog hopper and drive more visitors.

    Feel free to let me know how I can help you further!

    Pam, An Unconventional Librarian
    Co-host, Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
