Among the week were dozens of Victories and Losses. Especially for Friday.
Making it to work on time AND hitting Starbucks.
Paying for someone else's drink as a Random act of kindness.
Drinking half a beer at the baseball game! And by half a beer I really mean a full regular one.
And for getting to see this guy, who celebrates his birthday 5 days before me.
Posting for the position that we have open at our office.
Winning an argument, and standing my ground.
Posting Fridays post on time.
Getting a significant amount of work done this week.
Getting my chores done.
Making dinner as planned for this week.
Remembering my easter dinner tradition, until after easter.
Next week I will hopefully be better.
I've always wanted to pay for someone else's drink. That's so awesome that you did that. That little boy is so cute. Awww. Love that picture of the two of you.