-- I have no motivation to be at work today. None. Which is really sad because I was motivated and working like a boss for the past two days, and now nothing.
-- I miss working from home. For the longest time I thought that I needed the human interaction. But now that I realize I get a lot done working from home, and I don't have to deal with pardon my french moronic fucktards in person. Instead I can just mock them from a distance. I miss it so much. Pretty sure I am going to start asking if I can work from home one day a week.
-- I seriously wanted to disable my Facebook on mothers day. I am one of 3 friends that is not married, expecting, or has had kids. I was even irritated by the parents who only had fur children. AND I AM ONE OF THEM!
-- It is going to be 104 on Friday. I love the summer. Mostly because any allergies I have disappear, my eczema clears up, I get to wear jeans to work every day, and people no longer judge me at for wanting to go to sonic at 2p for happy hour. But I am not looking forward to the electric bill that follows.
--Given that my AC gets to be turned on this weekend, I am looking for a fun new way to spice up ramen noodles... since that will be my newest source of food. Any one have any good ideas?
--My IRL friends have been irritating me lately. They like to go out and party hard... I like to be a normal cultured adult who goes to art festivals, farmers markets, sporting events, and museums.
--I do not drink for fun. When I am stressed, pissed, or nervous? Yes, but not because I want to go out and get drunk for no apparent reason other than to waste money.
-- I am done with school for now. I feel like a loser because I have given up again, and everyone I know is graduating. But at the same time I cannot continue to do poorly and owe more money. I am burnt and lost.
--I have had to look at resumes, and I found that a girl who used to work for our bank applied. Small world? Sign?
-- I have big, BIG, BIG blog Ideas, but have no idea how to make it happen. I mean I know what I want to happen, but this is going to take more time and connections to prepare.
--I tried to convince myself to go to the store last night to get real food for dinner. Instead I ate random frozen chicken nuggets that have been in my freezer for 3 months (or longer?) and a Infinity Chocolate Magnum Ice Cream Bar.
--I just salivated a little typing Infinity Chocolate Magnum Ice Cream Bar.
-- There is only 240 days left till blogcation, and I spent half of my savings on my trip to Texas. Another reason to go on the top ramen diet.
Last one and conveniently the largest.
-- I cannot understand why certain bloggers are starting petty high school drama. They are fantastic bloggers, but lately I cannot stand the whining and the twitter tantrums. COME ON! Most of us are adults, and we don't want to read negativity and "oh you know I still know what you are saying about me." Get over it! you are going to have negativity and criticism, but don't flood your feeds with that crap. I don't know whether or not it is worth it to keep those bloggers on my feed, but I do because I hope that they can figure it out and get back to the way that they were.
What must you confess?
![photo Untitledjpg_zps0ea56517.jpg](http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b623/kyleamjohnson/Untitledjpg_zps0ea56517.jpg)
I'll be your normal cultured friend!! Granted I do like to drink for fun from time to time but I would rather go out & actually do things.