5 Things: Lets Get Baking | Kylea & Company: 5 Things: Lets Get Baking
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

5 Things: Lets Get Baking

So we all know that along with the holiday season comes baking season. The mixers have been preparing for this all year long and those chocolate chips know their job. We have our most comfortable stretchy pants baking attire out and waiting and our cutest aprons pressed.

Baking for me comes with 5 Simple things.

1) Alcohol! Yup I bake with it. I know that most of it gets burned out while baking, but I have my ways.

2) A mess. I NEVER and I mean NEVER can keep my area clean. I have tried but it never fails that I get flour all over the counters, Red Velvet cake mix on the cabinets, and dirty dishes up the wazoo.

3) I clean as I go. Mainly due to the mess that I make and because that was how I was taught. My OCD senses kick in between batches.

4) on half of my family recipe cards Tisp or tsp means Teaspoon and TBL or Tibble means Table spoon. My great grandma wrote them, and that is how they have been no matter how many times they are re-written.

5) Raw cookie dough will not kill you. I am living proof that sampling the product prior to being slid into the oven is not a serious offense. Your mother/grandmother/aunts/ and Pillsbury lied to you. You're welcome!

What is your favorite cookie recipes? Anyone up for a recipe link up?

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