E is for: Expectations | Kylea & Company: E is for: Expectations
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Saturday, April 5, 2014

E is for: Expectations

Today I thought I would write about something that has been on my mind and affects me daily. Don't worry I will post an alcohol related topic on here. But today I wanted to talk about Expectations. Not just ones that we place on others but ones that we place on ourselves too. 

I expect to save $100 every paycheck because that is what my budget says I should. But do I? NO! I end up spending it on something unexpected, or something that I have to have. 

I expect to wake up and have a fantastic day. Clearly this expectation is not set for Mondays, but I still expect that I will give everything 100% of what I have every day. 

I expect people to pay me back the money they owe me. (This is not directed toward any readers, but rather a parental unit and possibly a sibling). But I have this nice gene in me that doesn't go all crazy on them like I know I should. 

So when our personal expectations do not meet up to our standards, what do we do? I personally get mad at myself and those who are in my firing distance. It's not healthy, but I am MAD. Why do I set unrealistic expectations for myself, when I do not place them on others? Am I a masochist who likes to see myself drown in the failure of my attempts? 

Backstory on why I am writing this: I just filled out my month on my planner. It is my expectation that I will have time to breath at some point this month. And it should be possible given that I preplan as much as possible. But is that setting myself up for failure? If I don't pre-plan I am forced to rush and cram things in on days where I have less to do. Everyday this week I have something to do. If it is not in meetings, then it is training seminars, class, and posts. As I fill out the rest of the month I set more expectations, that I know in the back of my little cranial I will not meet. But then I put down the expectations that my boss wants me to meet. Interviews, Clean office for the visitors, finish month end, Pay vendors, get my normal job done, and create the marketing for our social media. But I do not expect him to be in every day, help with the social media, or give me a pay raise for trying to accomplish all of this and go to school full time. 

 I guess the whole point to this is to ask, why do we expect so much from ourselves and so little from others?  How do we change our views of personal expectations? 

Fun part of the post!  Here are some fun Easter related Drink Recipes from The Martini Diva!

Peeping Easter Martini

Blue Chocolate Bunny Martini

Chocolate Easter Bunny-Tini

Easter Egg Martini

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  1. I can definitely relate to this. I'm always setting high expectations for myself (and a few of the people around me) because I just want to be my best self. I don't think I'll ever be truly 100% satisfied with myself, but I have high expectations of myself anyway. If that makes sense. I've learned not to try to expect too too much from myself though, because if my expectations are too high, they may be unreachable, which will result in overall disappointment in myself. I just try to live day by day and be happy. It's been working so far! :)

  2. I think expecting more from yourself and less from most others is normal and hard to get around. Pre-planning helps make not everyday so stressful for me too! These Easter drinks? Yes please!!!
